Borough Councillor - Gill Fort
Gill Fort has lived in Leeds since 1998 having moved there with her husband and 2 daughters because she wanted her family to be part of a community that provided an environment that was safe, clean and green and that had fine local state schools. She stills holds these ideals dear today, although she has noticed that the ward is not as clean and green as it once was. The recent housing developments on Sutton Road and the larger villages in the Weald have increased traffic through the villages and added to the pollution problems. Incidents of fly tipping and general littering is escalating. She will continue to campaign and will work with her KCC counterparts and the Highways Authority re a relief road.
There are many challenges ahead. The Local Plan is to be reviewed. It predicted that the population of the Borough will grow by 24.3% between 2016 and 2046 and this means new homes will be needed and Leeds, Broomfield and Kingswood are likely to be pressured into additional housing. It is important that each village retains its own specific identity and any development should be sympathetic and appropriate and should be dependent on making sure that the proper infrastructure is in place first.
Gill Fort has been our ward member on Maidstone Borough Council for the last 4 years. She makes sure she attends the Broomfield and Kingswood Parish Council meetings on a regular basis as this is where she finds out what concerns the local residents.
She is here to help and can be contacted on 07798 668821 or