MBC Local Plan Review
What is the Local Plan Review?
Local plans must be consistent with national policy but can also take on board local planning issues that are important to Maidstone.
The adopted Maidstone Borough Local Plan provides a framework for development until 2031. It plans for homes, jobs, shopping, leisure and the environment, and provides infrastructure to support these. The plan was formally adopted at Full Council on 25 October 2017.
The Local Plan Review will ensure that the Local Plan remains up to date.
You can purchase a copy of the local plan online.
Maidstone Local Plan Review
March 2024
Maidstone Borough Councillors have voted in favour of the adoption of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review (LPR) in a Full Council meeting last night, Wednesday 20 March 2024.
In 2018 Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) began the process of updating the adopted Local Plan 2011-2031. Since then, the ‘Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review’ has been subject to various public consultations as proposals for managing future development, including accommodating required housing growth across the borough, have been prepared.
The LPR process culminated in an Independent Examination by a Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. The Council received the Inspector’s Final Report earlier this month following conclusion of the Independent Examination.
The Inspector gave detailed consideration to the proposals during a rigorous examination process, and he considers the Local Plan Review to be ‘sound’ subject to incorporation of his required Main Modifications.
MBC now looks ahead to the implementation of the Council’s Local Plan Review at the earliest opportunity.
Read the full article here: Maidstone Local Plan Review Adopted by Members - MBC News Website
Inspector Additional Consultation on Technical Documents 2024
After nearly two years of scrutiny and hearings, the examination into the Maidstone Local Plan Review is now at a very late phase. This has resulted in the publication of proposed main modifications, which were subject to consultation over a 6 week period (29 September – 13 November 2023).
Borough Council technical document updates – Summer 2023
A number of updates to technical documents were published by the Borough Council following the close of the Stage 2 hearings on 9 June 2023. These comprised:
- An update to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (ED126)
- An Addendum to the Integrated Transport Strategy (ED127); and
- An Addendum to the Viability Assessment for the Local Plan (ED128).
The updates to these technical documents reflect matters discussed at the examination hearings, including various proposed main modifications, and seek to demonstrate that the plan would be sound. Whilst they were published alongside the proposed main modifications, in accordance with the Inspectorate’s Procedural Guidance[1], the 6 week consultation only sought comments on the proposed main modifications.
Nonetheless, a number of organisations have commented on the content of ED126-ED128 in their responses to the proposed main modifications, or have made it clear that they have had regard to the contents of these documents when preparing their responses on the proposed modifications. For the avoidance of doubt, I will be taking into account these comments that have referred to ED126-ED128 (for example from Kent County Council, Lenham Parish Council, Homes England, DHA for Vistry and others). However, I accept that some organisations / individuals would have heeded the instruction that these documents were not specifically available for comment as part of the proposed main modifications consultation.
Therefore, to ensure fairness, I am now setting out the following:
For anyone who has not yet commented on the above documents (all of which are on the examination website), there is now an opportunity to do so, if you so wish. Any comments should be submitted to the Programme Officer by 5pm on 14 February 2024.
If you or your organisation has already commented on these documents there is no need to re-submit your comments.
This consultation only applies to the content of these technical documents. It is not an opportunity to comment again more widely on the proposed main modifications.
Additional Transport Assessment – M2 Junction 3 (ED135)
During the plan examination it has been identified that the proposals of the Plan would require mitigation at Junction 3 of the M2. In their response to the proposed main modifications, National Highways reference further dialogue. Accordingly, the Borough Council, through their consultants Stantec, has prepared further technical work to demonstrate that a mitigation scheme could be deliverable at Junction 3 to address impacts arising from the Local Plan. This has been submitted into the examination as document ED135. Again, there is an opportunity to comment on this material, including for National Highways, within the similar timeframe of 5pm on 14 February 2024.
I trust the above is clear. As the examination is at a very late stage, there will be no extension of the deadline stated and any late submissions will not be considered. Any representations which do not adhere to the above guidelines will not be taken into account. If you require any further clarifications about this additional focused opportunity to comment on technical documents please contact the Programme Officer and we will seek to assist.