Three Suttons Helpline
What is The Three Suttons Helpline?
The Three Suttons Helpline has been operating as a “good neighbour” scheme for about 20 years to make life easier for those needing to get to medical appointments, but who do not have their own transport or cannot easily be helped by family or friends and for whom public transport is infrequent and not a viable option. This scheme now arranges and gives over 400 lifts a year and covers the villages and surgeries in Sutton Valence, Chart Sutton, East Sutton, Kingswood and Langley.
The Helpline is operated entirely by volunteers who are not paid for their work: the three ladies who answer telephone requests and arrange the journeys and the 20 volunteer drivers. Donations from the users of the scheme pay towards telephone calls and petrol costs. A number of the local parish councils and a local charity have kindly donated money which goes towards insurance, publicity and other costs.
If anyone would like to use the scheme, please telephone one of the following numbers:
01622 844301 01622 842530 01622 842346
If you have any other queries or if you feel that you may like to help, please contact Christine Parkes. ( email: or tel. 842217)